We aim to reduce and compensate our CO2 impact across our value chain, from farm to cup. In our operations this is done by increasing use of renewable energy in our Roaster and making the processes more efficient. We further focus on reducing CO2 impact of our coffee products through farm level programs. And we reduce and recycle waste in our production and across the value chain.


  • Net zero emissions in scope 1&2 by 2030
  • Net zero emissions in Scope 3 by 2040
  • 30% reduction of waste to landfill by 2030

Renewable energy

One of the focus points for Pelican Rouge Coffee Roaster is to reduce our carbon footprint in the roastery itself by switching to renewable energy. One way to work towards achieving this goal has been by installing 2.487 solar panels with a capacity of 1.151 kWh on the roof of the roaster. Besides renewable energy, we are also looking internally to our processes to see where we can make changes or innovate to consume less energy. This is an ongoing process where we have already made changes by switching to LED lighting throughout the roasting facility.

Waste Management

Most of the organic waste from the Pelican Rouge coffee roaster facility is collected and processed on a weekly basis into green electricity and heat in a biomass fermentation plant. Additional waste streams, such as plastic, are collected separately. In 2021, we set up a pilot to produce vibratory silent blocks out of the plastic waste. These blocks are developed to minimize noise nuisance from roadside pavements without losing the signalling function for drivers.
